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[Update 1] pyMenu 0.3.2 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

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[Update 1] pyMenu 0.3.2 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by Acid_Snake »

Hi all, as you know I started a WiP thread regarding my next iteration of pyMenu asking for beta-testers. This was a while ago and pyMenu 0.3 has matured enough that I'm proud to say it's ready for a release.

Here's some pictures:
pyMenu_00.png (140.58 KiB) Viewed 21390 times
pymenu_01.png (122.14 KiB) Viewed 21390 times
pymenu_02.png (29.95 KiB) Viewed 21390 times
pyMenu_browser.png (17.92 KiB) Viewed 19601 times
pymenu_03.png (136.34 KiB) Viewed 21390 times
pymenu_04.png (121.71 KiB) Viewed 21390 times
As you can see, there are lots of features available, including:

- Compatibility with CEF, PRO and VHBL

- Boot Homebrew games (all versions)

- Boot ISO and CSO games (CEF and PRO only)

- Boot PSN apps (CEF and PRO only)

- Boot PS1 games (PRO only)

- Mp3 player (All versions)

- Picture viewer (All versions)

- Plugin Manager (CEF and PRO only)

- INSTALL.ZIP extractor (All versions)

- File browser (All versions). The file Browser has the following features:
----- Copy, cut, paste and delete operations
----- Boot homebrews, psn apps, iso/cso, pops
----- Open picture
----- Open Mp3 file
----- Extract a zip file

- Compatibility with other pythons homebrews through the Python Collection (Note: some homebrews might not work).

- Ability to boot the last played game by pressing circle in the main menu, even after closing the program entirely.

- Save folders named MUSIC, PICTURE and ISO come bundled so you can use them with CMA to copy different contents.

- Configurable through CONFIG.TXT

- API system that allows you to use pyMenu's different functions and menu styles with your own homebrew.

Update 0.3.2 Changelog:
- Fixed bug that made the menu freeze randomly

Update 0.3.1 Changelog:
- PSN apps are now supported in the CEF version
- Fixed bug when the iso folder doesn't exist
- Fixed issue with game folders having no eboot
- In the browser, when a file/folder has more than 20 characters, the last remaining characters are replaced by ...
- The browser will now show the file size in Bytes, KB, MB or GB (depending on the file size), instead of only in Bytes
- The browser's scrolling speed has been improved
- When cancelling the browser's file operations, it will go back to the previous folder instead of going back to ms0:/

Links to the latest version:
Source Code (for loader.pbp and the interpreter)
Language pack
Custom Saves

The Custom saves are a bunch of saves named PICTURE, ISO and MUSIC, which you can use to copy those kind of things through CMA.


- Acid_Snake
- qwikrazor87

- French: wistine
- German: Coldbird
- Spanish: Acid_Snake
- Filipino: taiyaki04
- Polish: barus5

Beta testers:
- taiyaki04
- Dutt
- thebudds
- The Z
- Xenokail
- CableLeecher
- JamppCobal
- Others (sorry but I can't remember everyone, if you want a full list then you'll have better luck going to WiP thread)

All the versions have been thoroughly tested, but know that it's very easy to make a small mistake that can prevent the whole thing from working, so please report any bugs you encounter.
On a side note, the first time you boot pyMenu it will take longer to load (depending on how many games you have), don't report this as a bug, pyMenu should boot faster the second time you load it.

Since some people seem to be confused about using some of pyMenu's functions, I'll show you a step by step guide, mainly
for playing ISOs/MP3s/Pictures

How to play mp3 files and view pictures.
pyMenu's default paths for pictures and mp3s are ms0:/PICTURE and ms0:/MUSIC
These two paths are unavailable on the vita so you can't use them, therefore we have to change them.
To do so, open the file called CONFIG.TXT, in this file you'll see these predefined paths and you can change them easily.
The lines look like this:

Code: Select all

# path to where the picture files are
picture_path = "ms0:/PICTURE"

# path to where the music files are by default
music_path = "ms0:/MUSIC"
all you have to do is change ms0:/MUSIC and ms0:/PICTURE to whatever you want and then copy the mp3s and pictures to those folders, using the ftp app or by using cma + the file browser.
Another way to play mp3s and view pictures is simply using the file browser, this allows you to open mp3s and pictures anywhere on the memory stick.
If you decide to use CMA then I uploaded a bunch of custom made savefiles that are named ISO, MUSIC and PICTURE, you can include isos, mp3s and pictures in these saves and copy them over with CMA, then you can use this config file to access them directly from the main menu.

Code: Select all

# "simple" and "complete", select from the two different menu styles available
main_menu = "complete"

# "icon" and "plain", icon shows the icon0.png of the game, plain shows nothing
game_menu = "icon"

# path of the default background
default_bg = "defbg.png"

# File browser's root directory
start_path = "ms0:/"

# path to where the picture files are
picture_path = "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/PICTURE"

# path to where the music files are by default
music_path = "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/MUSIC"

# path where the ISOs are by default
iso_path = "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ISO"

# Force the menu to exit if a BSoD appears, not recommended for Vita users
force_exit = False

# Use a splash screen when loading, set to False for a load speedup
use_splash = True

# The default format of the Music Player, options are: mp3, ogg, wav
music_player = "mp3"

version = "CEF"

# Default Menu Language
default_language = "EN"
# possible options:
# EN: english
# FR: french
# DE: german
How to use another language
This is another feature people seem to not know about or not know how to use. pyMenu has been translated into Spanish, French, German and others.
The way to use another language is fairly simple when you know how, you just need to open CONFIG.TXT, scroll to the end and find this:

Code: Select all

default_language = "EN"
after that, just download the language pack above and depending on what language you use, you change EN.
To know what to change EN with just look at your language's file, if it's named LANG_XX.TXT then just replace EN with XX

How to use custom icons in eboots and isos
This is a feature that exists out of its own, it was never planned. pyMenu extracts all icons from the eboots and isos into the memory stick, this produces two good side effects and one bad side effect.
Bad side effect: the first time you boot up pyMenu it takes more time to load since it extracts all these icons at once, but the next time you launch it it loads faster since they are already extracted.
Good side effects:
- when showing icon0 for an eboot or iso it's loaded faster since it doesn't have to do extraction, it only has to read the file directly.
- Since the icons are in files on the memory stick, you can replace them with your own custom icons.
The icons are extracted differently between isos and eboots, for an eboot the icon is extracted as icon0.png in the same folder as the eboot, so if you have ms0:/psp/game/whatever/eboot.pbp, then pyMenu will extract the icon into ms0:/psp/game/whatever/icon0.png, for isos the icons are extracted in ms0:/pygame/tmp/name_of_the_iso.png, so if you have an iso named whatever.cso then it's icon will be extracted into ms0:/pygame/tmp/whatever.cso.png
knowing this information you can replace those icons with your own one.
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by JamppCobal »

Congrats Acid_Snake! Thanks for all the time and work you put into this.
PS VITA 1.80 Urbanix TN-B something awesomer
I absolutely LOVE IT when pirates are too stupid to get their stolen games to work!
Makes me laugh, every time :lol: :lol:
johny 5
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by johny 5 »

-------------- Python-PSP started Sat Dec 1 15:01:31 2012

Free memory: 719360
PyPSP running in: ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Search path:;ms0:/lib/;ms0:/python/site-packages;ms0:/python

pyMenu 0.3

Running in: 2.5.2 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (python-2.51:55047, Nov 2 2012, 09:00:29)
[GCC 4.3.2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "SCRIPT.PYM", line 39, in <module>
try: import pymenu
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 163, in <module>
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 120, in check_icons
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 35, in extract_image
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'EBOOT_FILE' referenced before assignment
-------------- Python-PSP started Sat Dec 1 15:02:32 2012

Free memory: 719360
PyPSP running in: ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Search path:;ms0:/lib/;ms0:/python/site-packages;ms0:/python

pyMenu 0.3

Running in: 2.5.2 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (python-2.51:55047, Nov 2 2012, 09:00:29)
[GCC 4.3.2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "SCRIPT.PYM", line 39, in <module>
try: import pymenu
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 163, in <module>
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 120, in check_icons
File "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUZ00210CPMEM/", line 35, in extract_image
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'EBOOT_FILE' referenced before assignment

Can't get this to work, I'm running Mad Blocker cef tn-C.
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by Acid_Snake »

ok, I'm working on it

I found the error being caused by a folder in ms0:/psp/game that has no eboot inside it, here's a version that ignores the error, but you should still check the game folder cause there's something wrong there.
(1.88 MiB) Downloaded 882 times
just place this file where the menu is, overriding the old one
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by JMQMOfficials »

Very nice. Excited for this release.
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by Blaze »

Thanks Acid! :)
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by Greed-Ling »

Is the PS Vita on PRO is out?
My gaming platform:
PC Windows 10 , PS4 CUH-1001A , PS3 CECH-2508B , PS2 SCPH-90008 , PS VITA PCH-1108 , PSP-3008
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by qwikrazor87 »

Greed-Ling wrote:Is the PS Vita on PRO is out?
That is for PRO CFW on PSP.
PSP 2001 - TA-085 - 6.61 PRO-C2
PS Vita 3G - PCH-1101 - 3.65 HENkaku Ensō
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Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by SMOKE »

Thanks Acid_Snake! :)
I noticed me in the credits too ;)

EDIT: Found a Bug!!
When you press the circle button on the main menu, it goes to a black screen.
Last edited by SMOKE on Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:43 pm

Re: [Release] pyMenu 0.3 for VHBL, CEF and PRO

Post by chuck608 »

i downloaded pro, how do i install it on my vita??? where exactly? step by step please. Thanks!
Last edited by chuck608 on Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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