RayCast3D is a 3D Game Engine for Nintendo 3DS / PSVITA which runs under Lua Player Plus.
It uses Ray-Casting algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_casting) to generate a 3D world starting from a 2D map allowing to create basic 3D games without any knowledge of how 3D rendering works.
On PSVITA it runs good with accuracy values >= 3.
In the download package you'll find also a little sample app.
At the moment these are the Features RayCast3D offers:
[*]Different tile size maps
[*]Automated camera and player position management
[*]Support for huge maps (pratically there aren't limitations)
[*]Support for sky rendering and floor rendering
[*]Automated minimap renderer with player position
[*]Textured walls support
[*]Wall Collisions check
[*]Shading support
[*]Bullet system (Ray casting with returning values)[/list]
What this engine needs to be finished is listed in this TODO List:
[*]Player collisions with walls
[*]Sprites support for animations
[*]Bullets physic
[*]Editable FOV
[*]Support to textures for walls, sky, floors[/list]
Video of a sample app
[*]Rinnegatamante: Author
[*]gnmmarechal: Video footage
[*]Special thanks to fpermadi for this really cool tutorial i used as base about RayCasting algorithm: http://permadi.com/1996/05/ray-casting- ... -contents/[/list]
https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/Lua-R ... ree/master
Here you can download the first alpha version (v.0.1) with a sample tech demo and a short documentation for the available functions: https://rinnegatamante.it