(819 votes)
(819 votes)
If you don’t know what Pro CFW is yet, here’s what their google code page has to say about it:
- Homebrew Compatible ? Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode.
- Plugin Compatible ? Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins.
- ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback ? Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage.
- 2g+ Memory Range Unlock ? Use the previously locked RAM range within your own homebrews.
- NODRM Engine ? Use your bought DLCs, no matter on which PSN account you are currently logged in.
- PSX Emulator Unlock ? Play your PSX classics, yes ? all of them. Not just PSN titles.
- And a lot more…
Find download links for Pro CFW below.
PRO CFW 6.60 C2 | Download from (direct link) |
6.60 PRO-C fix 3 (6.60 PRO-C2 has a bug that prevents PSN PSX games from being played at all!). | Download from (indirect link) |
In this section you will find additional links related to this application
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