PS5/PS4 Release: Mast1c0re adds PS5 3.00 to 4.51 full support + PS4 11.00 FW Support


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8 Responses

  1. Petrr says:

    How would you get Okage if you can’t go to psn to buy it on a 3.00 fw PS5?

    • wololo says:

      You can’t. Would need to have bought the game beforehand. If you have a license for the game though, there are ways to bring it to your 3.00 PS5, assuming the PS5 is activated with the same account that you bought the game for. (That’s a pretty stiff requirement to begin with, honestly)

      • Petrr says:

        darn, thanks for the detailed answer!

      • AMan says:

        I have a PS5 on 4.50 firmware and an updated PS4. Both are activated with my PSN account. In that case, is it possible to buy Okage on my PS4 and transfer it to my PS5 without updating?

        • wololo says:

          I believe you can but I’m not aware of the exact method. You might want to check Modded Warfare’s youtube channel, I think he has a video on that

  2. lollypop says:

    compile alpine for ps5
    compile alpine for ps4
    compile alpinr for ps3
    compile alpine for ps2
    compile alpin,e for psvita
    no darn reference to windows/linux
    compile alpine for cmd.exe

  3. PLAYER 1 says:

    An original ps1 cd works with this??

  4. Lollypop says:

    I want a qemu psvita
    Before Linux rewrite dyb dtb player
    Qemu for Android Port soloader
    And the newer loaders
    Flow pc qa