PS5/PS4 Release: Mast1c0re adds PS5 3.00 to 4.51 full support + PS4 11.00 FW Support
Following the recent release of Firmwares 11.00 for the PS4, and 8.00 for the PS5, the Mast1c0re repository is seeing some updates. Specifically, PS4 firmware 11.00 is now fully supported.
Also, offsets for PS5 Firmwares 3.00 to 4.51 have been added, thanks to work by Echo Stretch and to the recent release of the SELF decrypting tool by SpecterDev. This means these firmwares should now be fully supported by Mast1c0re. Although most people will probably be using more “potent” exploits on these particular firmwares, it’s good to have as much compatibility as possible, if only for tests and development.
PS5 Firmware 8.00 will probably have to wait for the appropriate offsets to be found/added to the repository.
What is Mast1c0re for PS5 and PS4?
Mast1c0re is an unpatched exploit for PS4 and PS5, which leverages a vulnerability in the PS2 emulation layer of Sony’s newer consoles. The vulnerability was disclosed, and described with great detail, by PlayStation hacker CTurt in September last year. Since then, new releases have built upon the exploit, allowing in particular for emulators and PS2 ISOs to run on the PS4 and PS5.
Back then, CTurt stated Sony had no plan to fix the vulnerability, which seems to be confirmed regularly, since only minor changes to the repository have been needed to add support for new Firmwares.
Download latest Mast1c0re for PS5/PS4
Mast1c0re requires you to purchase and install the game Okage on your PS4 (it is a PS2 game that you can purchase on the PSN). Remember that what you can do with the hack is fairly limited, so think carefully about purchasing that game if money is tight.
- You can download the latest Mast1c0re files here. (You might have to run the compilation yourself until a binary is released).
- We have a basic guide on how to run the exploit here.
Source: Echo Stretch
How would you get Okage if you can’t go to psn to buy it on a 3.00 fw PS5?
You can’t. Would need to have bought the game beforehand. If you have a license for the game though, there are ways to bring it to your 3.00 PS5, assuming the PS5 is activated with the same account that you bought the game for. (That’s a pretty stiff requirement to begin with, honestly)
darn, thanks for the detailed answer!
I have a PS5 on 4.50 firmware and an updated PS4. Both are activated with my PSN account. In that case, is it possible to buy Okage on my PS4 and transfer it to my PS5 without updating?
I believe you can but I’m not aware of the exact method. You might want to check Modded Warfare’s youtube channel, I think he has a video on that
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