PS5: Flat_z dumps PS5 Secure Processor, confirms he has a PS5 Hypervisor exploit (via a PS4 Game Save exploit)


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15 Responses

  1. Ahmed Fowcister says:

    very exite hydravisions have explot email all pkg magnat link

  2. ps5 h4x0r says:


  3. Predator0808 says:

    Great news, awesome job Flat_z! Keeping my fingers crossed for this to be released 🙂

  4. Where is Firstus says:

    Awesome news, hopefully the exploit will be released and help the scene to achieve a full Ps5 jailbreak.

  5. C says:

    Woohoo! I knew there had to be a working PSP / HV hack in private circles. This proves there is a future for PS5 hacking. I’m glad I have a low version disc version PS5 that has never once been online since I purchased it, and will never connect to $ony servers or be infected with FW patches. I hope at some point an end user exploit is released so we can all participate. Something tells me it won’t take too long for that to happen now.

  6. Justsomeguy says:

    That’s is great news, thanks the flatz hope specter look into it.

  7. Thau says:

    Is another Christmas miracle coming our way?? Would be very cool.

  8. Cris Kheops says:

    I have 2x NOVEMBER 2020 (DAY ONE LAUNCH DiSC EDiTiON) CONSOLES available for sale!!!
    these units are still brand new in the box never been opened for this very reason to be hack into!
    I was initially going to keep one for me and sell one but think I might sell both if the offer is right…
    just wondering if I decide to sell one and keep one how much longer till we have PS5 iSO available???

  9. redfall xsx rtx3060 ps4 ps3 xbox360 xbox vita 72 seasons says:

    I hope ps5 will be never broken

  10. Cecil says:

    Great. Now just have to wait a year for flat_z to bring it to Sony to get his $20000 reward, and Sony put lock on the hacking method for 1 year before disclosure, and then we’ll be good to go.

  11. Tony says:


  12. CHUCHU says:

    “4.03 is the golden firmware” they said.
    Flat_z did this on 2.05 ….
    I hate to say it but the likelihood his method was patched by 4.03 is bloody high.