Crazy Hacks #4: When the PS3 was so weak you could even hack it with a Ham and Cheese sandwich


Finger on the pulse of the PlayStation hacking scene since 2006

18 Responses

  1. C says:

    Good times. At one point I used a P3GO with the power switch thing. Then Geohot’s CFW and then Kmeaw’s CFW on 3.55. Rebug Rex and Multiman were my faves. Every so often I’ll still fire up the ol’ PS3 and play a few games.

  2. ano says:

    I feel bad for the guys behind PS jailbreak. They managed to actually make a very useful product and sell it, only to find their profits vanish as their product immediately got cloned. Oh well, c’est la vie.

  3. Anthony says:

    The good old days. We were kids and this was the closest thing to magic

  4. GoldHENMan says:

    Haha, funny how they used a sandwich to ‘hack’ the PS3

  5. S says:

    I remember using a htc windows phone to boot into a special version of Android just to use the exploit until the actual cfw came to be good times

  6. Tracas says:

    Yeah, I think you skipped some “drama” on the linetime but for me It’s very accurate
    I also lived this in real time, when the psjailbreak and psgroove and a lot of stick was released on the market for the jailbreak and then, Sony patched with the 3.50 (and wich was a fw perfect for the downgrade)
    Thanks for this series Wololo 🙂

  7. Joe says:

    Ahh those were the days… The 7th Gen consoles were the best interms how easy they made to run homebrew and bac*ups. Lost all excitement and interest with the PS4 and XBOX ONE etc.

  8. drybones says:

    I used my calculator. I remember ripping discs took such a long time.

  9. drybones says:


    The NGC softmods are an interesting topic. Action Replay by Datel.

    • wololo says:

      Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll see if I can get inspired enough to write on those!

  10. Zelda says:

    I have one of the very first ps3’s released, the fat one thatr plays ps1 and ps2 games. I don’t want to risk bricking it, so it’s off the ebay for a used one.

    Wololo, what is the best fw to be on on the ps3 currrently to make it easiest to run cfw and hen? In your opinion?

    • wololo says:

      AFAIK as long as you get a “hackable” model (so, all FAT models and most slim models, don’t get a super slim), any firmware is ok. Don’t quote me on this, double check on psx-place

  11. PT says:

    I remember running the exploit on my TI-84 and snickering to myself not really believing what I was seeing.
    Damn I could have used my Ipod too? That would have been fun.

    I read the BBC article just to see how badly they mangled the story and they didn’t. They say the the two things are similar with the same background.
    But not the same.

  12. Mondul says:

    I still have a lot of custom PSGroove custom sticks that I could not sell due the fail overflow findings… Good times

  13. Mentality says:

    I still have my Team Xecuter Maximus AVR with Payload. I’ve kept it for sentimental reasons more than anything. I’m pretty sure the payload is still on there too. Not sure WHICH payload. Don’t know how I would find out.