In-Home-Switching for the Switch released – You can now stream your favourite PC games (and emulators) right to your Switch!


I'm a girl that's liked technology from day 1. Mostly interested in the PSVita/PSP scene but I've always modded my stuff when it's possible, that is :) Contact me via DM at @KawaiiAuroraA on Twitter if you have any questions/concerns about my articles or if you have any article requests.

13 Responses

  1. Basam Zayniaie says:

    What is happening!!!!!! This is really great!!!!!

  2. Bunny says:

    If you went to a hardware store and bought a hammer and were told that you could only hammer nails with and nothing else then someone comes along and shows you all of the other uses of a hammer. That’s whats happening.

  3. Papapsofos says:

    So i suppose i need a hacked Switch for that right???

  4. Magusar says:

    Why not port Moonlight instead?

  5. Days says:

    Another great article from our favorite trans.

  6. Demian says:

    Now this makes me want to finally get a Switch.


  7. Ouji says:

    Honestly something like this deserves to be an official app in the eShop. You should ask Nintendo or try and contact them to get it up, might even get paid.