SpecterDev on PS4 4.05 Jailbreak: Release could happen this week


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44 Responses

  1. UrbanAnonymous says:

    ive been lurking for years since the ps3 scene. cant wait oto get back into modding !



  3. Xmas the first says:

    Merry firstmas!!!!

  4. gunblade says:

    Cool. Iam on new PS4 firmware been saving to get extra one.

  5. gunblade says:

    Guessing around 3.xx and 4.7 lol.

  6. scottydog says:

    I see a lot of anticipation including myself for a possible release for a system running 4.55 this would probably give as much of 50% of the scene access to homebrew on the PS4. This would be going by one of the recent survey.

  7. Peter Andre says:

    could would should blah blah blah, didn’t even bother reading lol… merry christmas everyone!

  8. jj says:

    I hope someone will eventually come out for at least 4.55 systems too (1tb slims nowadays are shipped with that cuh-20xx). I am keeping mine on that for a while.

    • William says:

      keep on dreaming son

      • seanp2500 says:

        this is not a dream. It’s actually quite possible as several devs have posted such access on that firmware and even more recent ones such as 5.01. Sadly these discoveries are private…

        • Rick says:

          They won’t release. same clickbait every year they’re just a bunch of troll

          • SeanP2500 says:

            Well I think you are wrong honestly. Specterdev I feel will release. Eventually that means we will get 4.06 and since the others firmwares are shown to be vulnerable in time we will be able to update.

    • RaZDaSPaZ says:

      Not true mine shipped with 4.73 Star Wars Battlefront bundle. But still have my 1.76

  9. deadplayer says:

    I trink is nice. Nut a hack or not is not relevant vor consolels. To by a gamest is easier

  10. deadplayer says:

    But to by a consol for jailbreak is ***. No online no multiplayer. Is ***.

  11. Alejandro Lopez says:

    At this point, I believe there wouldn’t be a public exploit for the latest firmware never.

  12. huehuehuehuehue says:

    Plot twist: There is Denuvo in firmware 2.00 and higher

  13. skittles says:

    Jesus christ this comment section is pure garbage, is there absolutely no moderation on here? I’d even volunteer just to improve the quality from utterly spam to “something”

  14. Cypherous says:

    Still going to end up being months until something usable comes out of this, i mean i appreciate his work and all, just time to pass the torch to others i guess 😛

  15. Urbananonymous says:

    And of course my spare ps4 is on fw. 4.07. Fml. Time to find a low firmware ps4.

    • MBA says:

      I know the feels, it has been over a year since I last touched it, but as I was looking at the DLC release date catalogue of the last game I played I found out I was probably on 4.06 or 4.07 too.

      But maybe there is hope: http://wololo.net/2017/10/20/ps4-qwertyoruiop-confirms-5-00-jailbreak/

      Once this jailbreak is released, more could be found and eventually ported to newer firmwares, it’s just that 4.05 was the older firmware with more research time on the kernel found.

  16. yes says:

    😀 FINALLY, i have wanted to open that 3:70 pro box for quite some time now.
    1 more week… i can wait

  17. qwertyoruiopz says:

    Nothing will be released. I still own the exploit. He didn’t ask permission

  18. f0ismaster says:

    Zootie Zoot Zoot

  19. bluemeanie23 says:

    So its true u are the grinch

  20. Rick says:

    another boring clickbat news

  21. John says:

    Jailbreak 4.05 = Caca.

  22. Joe says:

    Yet again this happened, first was that wa*ker Qwertyoruiopz and now we’ve got this premadonna here looking for attention. If you are smart and manage to achieve something fu*king keep it to yourselves if you are not planning to release it. that also mean shut your pie hole to the media.

  1. January 2, 2018

    […] November, Wololo published an interview with Specter and two days ago received direct confirmation that the exploit would be published soon. That moment has now […]