Big Trouble in Little Nightmares, Little Nightmares PS4 Review

7 Responses

  1. Donopatay says:

    So this site is doing game reviews now?

    • italkgame says:

      Hi, my apologies I see that I’ve used the release tag. I should have realised that tag is mostly used for releases of another kind.

  2. Tonbo says:

    Thank you for the article, Wololo. Looking forward to future ‘hacking scene’ updates.

  3. nebu_187 says:

    The article is by ITALKGAME not wololo. Nice review and looks great! Definitely going to try this one.

  4. ThankYou says:

    Thank you for the article, Aurora. Looking forward to future ‘hacking scene’ updates

  5. FrightNight says:

    Nice game, but to short story.
    You’re done playing within 3-5 hours.

  1. May 19, 2017

    […] and critics’ opinion into account. I reviewed the game and absolutely loved it. You can read my review here, and it should give you a good idea of what to expect without spoiling the experience for […]