TheFlow announces “hundreds more games compatible” with upcoming Vitamin update
Developer TheFloW has been extremely active since the HENkaku release, and even more after he made the decision to keep maintaining Vitamin, a tool that lets people dump and decrypt PS Vita games.
Vitamin has many limitations on the games it can actually decrypt. total size of the game, for example, seems to be a factor, and the Warez scene has been on fire to maintain compatibility lists.
TheFloW recently announced that he was able to dramatically increase the compatibility of Vitamin. He confirmed he was able to dump Killzone, Uncharted, Batman, Call of Duty, and he expects that this change will bring compatibility to hundred more games.
The hacker has not provided a date for when this update will be made available in the tool.
Note: Given that the main use of Vitamin is to decrypt and pirate games (although backups and plugins are a very legit, and in my opinion fair, use case as well), I have decided to not allow links to this tool on for the time being. People have rightfully mentioned that we have been distributing PSP Custom Firmware on this site, wondering how that is different. This is true, but there are two reasons I feel these are ok. First, PSP Custom Firmwares have way more goals than enabling piracy, in particular they are a requirement for most homebrews to run. Secondly, game Piracy had been mainstream on the PSP since 2005, 4 years before we started distributing Custom Firmwares here at The financial damage, in my opinion, is way more significant here as the Vita is still “current gen” and Vitamin is a first of its kind. We can talk about this policy again in 4 years.
Source: TheFloW
Now we need Vita Memory Card hack to use micro sd like the PSP so I can dump all my games and install them on my Vita…
Nah.. vita is almost dead already..better release the hack… No need to wait.. i got many friends own vita…now only 1 of them still keep it..others sold it and buy 3ds..why? reason? 3ds can have cfw..
It should be any day now. TheFloW lost motivation to release the Vitamin update over Labor Day weekend, only saying that he plans to release the new version “next week”, so that could mean sometime later THIS week, or literally a week from when he said he lost motivation to finish it.
Soooo only time will tell. I’m quite impressed with what HENkaku has been able to accomplish and it can only lead to more awesome stuff in the future.
Hey guys a little help please. How do I reset my Vita without updating? I am already on 3.60 but don’t want to use my legit PSN account?
just sign out, tho i’d recommend u never reconnect to sony servers using that vita gain as u still get trophies from the game backups, i’m not re-connecting until i get a new vita myself
only reason I just ordered a vita was for piracy. otherwise I would have lived without it.
fico esperando que seja possível rodar ps tv atravez da porta usb
Gostaria tambem isso, ja pensou utilizar um hd externo, ficaria show.
Games i tried installing after dumping that has error code:
1. Killzone
2. Mortal Kombat
3. Hot shot golf
4. Metal Gear Solid
5. Unit 13
6. Ninja Gaiden plus
7. Fifa 15
Games working:
1. Street fighter X Tekken
2. Gravity Rush
3. Sonic all star racing
4. Final fantasy x-2
Where is this Vitamin update? I cant rip any games atm as none work. Tried 10 and all fail to work. They say they rip OK but all crash when trying to run them.
I thought it would be a few hours or days when they release it but it looks like it’ll be weeks or months by the way they are speaking now.
Vita is collecting dust waiting for this new update to come out. Cant rip any games without an updated version.