jailbroken[.]co: beware of PS4 Jailbreak scams!


Finger on the pulse of the PlayStation hacking scene since 2006

21 Responses

  1. Black Eagle says:

    First! Long time no see

  2. Sladey says:

    The moment I see any kind of survey on a website I know it’s full of *** and quit out. I don’t think anyone has ever downloaded anything from anywhere after completing a survey?

  3. Don trump says:

    That site is as real as same sex marriage.

    • -_- says:

      smh….jusy go away, stop trying to stir shi!t with a topic not even relevant.

    • Wilfredo says:

      amen to that

    • Frosty Mantee says:

      yup indeed the site is as real as same sex, both are very real. if you are bored you can even visit. However, the services the site provides on the other hand are not real 😀

      don’t you love context?

    • read his name says:

      did you read his name -_-??

      it’s don trump
      he’s obviously trolling

  4. Ronin says:

    FAKE !!!!!
    Every web to survey is to fake …

  5. J.R says:

    “Don’t trump” you mean… That site is as real as the bible or the Koran. 😉

  6. Franky says:

    I don’t mean to be mean or anything, but anyone who falls for phishing or these money milking websites should probably be scolded for falling for something like them.

  7. hacker's fan says:

    good job wololo .

  8. Max says:

    Como os caras querem ganhar fácil fodendo os outros.

  9. NoSpam says:

    “my email address (a temporary one I created to answer the survey)”
    You FOOL! Why use a temporary address when you can use admin@jailborken.co send the spam right back at ’em.

  10. Get_Ballz_Deep says:

    Lmao.. you had to complete some syrveys to find out that its a scam?

    any survey to download site is a joke..

    you also said the same thing like 3-4 times in your article.. is there really no other news to post?

  11. lollypop says:

    what about psvita iso scam
    dump cartridge into iso at once big
    and run cart as iso big ?.?

  12. lollypop says:

    or an eml hacktrick iso uploader/downloader/run
    lol xD

  13. Wilfredo says:


  14. cARLO says:

    Where is a working JAILBREAK to Play Pirate games?! I pay more then 100€ for a current and functioning jailbreak. So PLEASE help us!

  1. February 4, 2017

    […] you can do for yourself is avoid scammy websites that pretend they have a PS4 Jailbreak for you. We debunked one such website here, and they all use the same techniques. Spread the […]