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The day the Vita scene imploded: more than 50 game exploits leaked


Finger on the pulse of the PlayStation hacking scene since 2006

254 Responses

  1. Sakuryu says:

    Damn guys hit the brakes! We’re not gonna have anything for 3.30 !

  2. FailFish says:

    Wow. How can people compromise a whole scene over some arguments? Obviously none of us know the real, underlying situation, but these two need to remember that they’re not the only ones working hard in this scene. Having stuff that a lot of people could have possibly spent nights working on is not cool in my opinion. I’ve never liked Vita exploits, native or not, since I don’t really want any form of game piracy on the Vita, but just the idea that this happened over( what seems to be as of now) two people arguing over God knows what makes my blood my boil.

    Obviously the swarm of self-entitled *** that are moaning in the comments doesn’t help( and I’m not saying I’m not one of them, nor that I’m not), but if people in the scene, in this one or another, can’t even deal with their colleagues in, at the very least, a mature fashion, then you guys really need to clean up your acts.

  3. gsm says:

    what is the password to unzip the vhbl?

  4. zzsec2win says:

    what exploits are still up??

  5. stonemandy says:

    Why are you all so mad what’s done is done complaining isn’t going to change anything. I don’t think anyone has been paying much attention to Sony . Behind the scenes there’s something happening change is good . U want to play psp get a psp there only 20 or 30 bucks now thanks to Sony dropping support for psp . Good things are coming to vita this holiday season just update and pay 50 for a year of free games and soon u will be able to stream all psn games to your vita . Change is good

  6. Andrew says:

    Now we can release the vita hack 🙂 Don’t worry guys good times are coming. Soon you will all forget about the psp hacks on the vita. I have seen unsigned pkg’s installed on vita’s and simple homebrew running in vita mode. 2015 is going to be a good year…

  7. Alex says:

    I find it interesting that a lot of people seems to be very happy about these leaks without actually paying attention to the far more severe repercussions that this will actually bring to the scene. It’s things like this that destroy or at the very least set back the scene immensely. Unless this is a stunt by the guys behind the scene because they have something much better up their sleeve, I really don’t see this ending well.

  8. ChrisHighwind says:

    Considering Wololo published an article from Acid_Snake about native Vita hacking, I’m going to assume this leak was for the purpose of moving on from the eCFW scene, and everything’s been cleared up.

  9. jake says:

    Until native hacking becomes possible (publicly), ePSP will continue to thrive.

    As wololo said somewhere 10% of games are likely to have *easy* exploits.

    And what’s the big issue @everybody.
    What’s the point of all this fighting between you two guys.

    “I’d rather conquer the world with my enemy than kill him and conquer nothing” – some guy that starved to death in the 1500s

  10. Galion skyedragon says:

    I just bought arcade darts and i cannot download using the vita. need help please

  11. ensooo says:

    What happened ti total_noob? Where are the kexploits for tn-v on vita’s 3.15 firmware? Why is it all about VHBL? Has he stopped making it or what?

  12. Galion skyedragon says:

    alright i bought Numblast hope its not patched. and how to i run the exploit?

  13. CHRIS says:


  1. September 18, 2014

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  2. September 18, 2014

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  3. September 18, 2014

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  4. September 18, 2014

    […] Usually, one or two exploitable games were revealed once every few months. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances in the hacking scene that led to a ton of exploitable games being revealed, it is believed that it […]

  5. October 2, 2014

    […] of what changes this firmware really brings, but it is very likely that it will patch the 50 exploited games that got leaked last month, and allowed gamers to run a Custom Firmware on their Vita within the PSP […]

  6. October 15, 2014

    […] you’re one of the many, many, people holding out on a lower firmware for various  reasons then you’d realize that you do not have access to PSN. You may think you are not […]

  7. July 19, 2016

    […] Given the current rate, this kind of reminds me of that time more than 50 exploits were leaked on the PS Vita. […]

  8. September 14, 2017

    […] some conflict between Qwikrazor and Acid_Snake (two members of the team) escalated and led to the leak of all their ongoing work, including more than 50 undisclosed ePSP exploits for the PS […]