How Do I Get Different Region PSN Credit? Your Answers Here!


Told you I'll edit this.

36 Responses

  1. rekuhs says:

    I get mine from Amazon, you just need to have a US address on your account and you’re good to go.

    • wololo says:

      Afaik Amazon Only works if you live in the us, or own a us credit card.

      • coldhell says:

        You don’t need US card (or at least mine is EU one) and code comes 2min after the transaction, so… Instant, safe, no fee ๐Ÿ™‚
        Just ask one of your friends who lives in US to give you his address or make fake one (but I am not sure that is allowed)

      • NoName says:

        Any credit card will work and you can just enter a random address.
        People have been doing this for like years now. Nobody ever reported a single problem.

        • wololo says:

          That’s good to know, but clearly people haven’t been doing this for years, last year amazon was not selling online codes.

      • thealienamongus says:

        I just bought $70 worth from amazon. You just need to put a US address in (

    • JaggedAllianceKickstarterFan says:

      Yep I have also used the same method. Working fine and US prices are much cheaper compared to EU.

  2. Lord Senfgurke says:

    Well i use another site to buy psn card`s from other regions.
    everyone who lives in EU can give a look on this site.

    I bought nearly 10 different cards with no probs. You even pay less than you get ๐Ÿ™‚

    cee ya

  3. Paul says:

    Laught for ages at that video ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. L337Snowman says:

    Not enough eggs.

  5. kenny2858 says:

    I’m actually surprised that no one asked, “OMG HOW YOU GOT THE TWIN TEE DOLLARS FEE FRO THE SONIE?”

    Anyways, I got Walgreens, Walmart, & Gamestop. No need for the internetz, I can walk. Trolollolol

  6. Softtm17 says:
    This is one of my best site for buy US cards or jpn etc
    It secure 100%
    After you buy a card, after…5 minutes about it comes an email with an image with the codes on it ^^

  7. Youss says:

    Or just pay with paypal on Sony’s website, simple.

    • wololo says:

      Nope, paypal will refuse the payment if your paypal account is not from the right country.

  8. NNNRT says:

    I like figs! Figs near my house :mrgreen:

  9. jkoiou says:

    as the video is a bit funny, its kinda dumb…. just my 2 cents… ๐Ÿ˜›

    as for PSN cards, amazon is probably a good bet, or supporting wololo is another good idea…

    and i GUESS i will be the first to ask since i didnt see it above: Minimur, how did you get 20$ FREE from sony….. if that is what you implied… ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Lucius says:

    I use this on Android and this on Apple iOS you can get PSN, XBOX and NINTENDO cards, need time but works like a charm, use the code GN1066001 for a good start,,, you can see it here

  11. Curan_a says:

    If you want Japanese codes this site is a good deal.

  12. Tom says:

    Use non of those stated above.

    I was once struggling to find a good shop, PCGAME Supply and other are ***, it takes them century to send you a code and you pay extra for every card.

    This is hilarious, because there is one simple shop that is better above all mentioned.

    I can actually go to AMAZON and buy these! Instant delivery, no extra charges.
    I used to look for US cards so this is where I got mine, not sure if they supply EU cards too

  13. Fingloi_x3 says:

    no asian love? huh? wololo?

    • wololo says:

      If your question is how to get JP psn codes, I can probably help too since I live in Japan, PM me on /talk

  14. NrGroq says:

    you kidding me? this is not viral maretial.


    no spellscehck

  15. whaleiam says:

    As an indonesian user I ussually go to this site :
    it sells Voucher from all regions and also selling cards for XBOX, Nintendo, and Itunes

  16. Michael Manlapaz says:

    Why sell Sony PS3 and not able to buy PS Game Cards using my Amazon account just because I am from the Philippines. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Instead of you guys making money, you now open the doors to others taking advantage and reselling cards online for a more higher price.

  17. WRFrame says:

    I get it from

    The site is for indonesian user only right now, but quite popular in Indonesia because of the selection of PSN Card and PS Plus

  18. charles oni says:

    please how is the code sent to you, if you buy from Amazon? is it through email or they post it?

  19. Onizuka says:

    I usually get my Play Station related stuff from Play-Asia. Since I am from Asia it is eco for me to buy from them, their conversion rate is good. They send digital codes via email so it faster too. There was a guide written long back for this but not sure if its active the link was

    +1 for Play-Asia.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Alexander says:

    I’ve recently bought mine from . You pay just over $100 for the $100 card. The devlivery speed was a good one. But the support service could have been a little better.

    Hope this helps,


  1. July 14, 2014

    […] many places that sell US PSN Codes for people outside of the US, and we’ve mentioned a few here. Several of you were quick to note that we didn’t mention the best way of all: Amazon. Well […]