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PSGroove ported to a Ham&Cheese Sandwich, hack your ps3 the easy way!!!


Finger on the pulse of the PlayStation hacking scene since 2006

46 Responses

  1. DarXPloit_$a1 says:

    *** ???
    OK, i went to the super market and bought some Ham&Cheese Sandwiches.
    Do I have to plug my usb cable into the Ham or into the the Cheese ?
    Which kind of cheese works best ? ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Norml says:

    Does it have to be cooked? Could I substitute the ham for bacon? How about Mayonnaise? White bread or wheat or…? This is getting frustrating XD

  3. cv says:

    my ham n cheese came with lettuce, do i keep it or throw it out n i accidently ate half, will it still work?

  4. PSPatapon says:

    This is actualy pretty weird..

  5. Shadblue says:


  6. mamosuke says:

    “Anata to konbini Family Mart” (Convenience combination with you, Family Mart)
    This is a Family Mart Song.

    First time to know that “you” in the song means “PlayStation3”

    Happy Hacking Sandwiches!

  7. anna says:

    A true hacker in the psp or ps3 console modified or altered in order to run backups and not go wasting his time in semi-hacks like the psp

  8. wololo says:

    @anna: a true hacker eats ham&cheese Sandwiches and doesn’t care about what you say ๐Ÿ™‚

    But feel free to show me how hacking is done…
    I get dozens of comments and emails from people like you on a daily basis. You guys sure talk a lot, but when it comes to doing stuff, we never see you around.

  9. PSPatapon says:

    Wololo, Im hungry Dx Can you put ketchup on the sandwich?

  10. midnightexpress says:

    @norml no if you use bacon it well brick your ps3 and it has not been tested on cooked sandwiches… I hope this helps!

    @darx read the read me it explanes it all, put it between the ham and cheese.

    @cv you must have the entire sandwich. Its not been ported too lettuce and my never happen being as sony patched that some time ago… Sorry.

    Lolz I think wololo is trying too make a point the psgrove is not coming back and if that’s not it than wololo smoked too much or needs a brake. Untell then get your ham and cheese sandwiches before the stores patch it with Mayo…

  11. DarXPloit_$a1 says:

    @anna & wololo:
    wololo is totally right ๐Ÿ™‚
    talking a lot is only the easy part…
    the hard part is doing this stuff you easily talked. And that can become very hard.
    For example, you want to make a shellcode without fixed stubs. Well , first you think : ” Hey, that canยดt be so difficult ” :), but if you want to code the shellcode , then you have no idea how to do ๐Ÿ™

  12. phil says:

    I’m sorry but I don’t see the link for dl the package ๐Ÿ™

  13. midnightexpress says:

    The link is right at the bottem? See it?! Its that ad right there if you click it it well take you too the download site XD

    @wolf whatz your defect…

  14. PSPatapon says:

    @Midnight, I couldnt stop laughing when i readed ‘before the store patches it with mayo’ of your post XD

  15. SuperMoron says:

    I want a club sandwich with the works and a side-order of fries. Now thats unhackable!!! :p

  16. some kid says:

    The people that walk the walk usually don’t talk that much because they are too busy walking.

  17. youkill says:

    @wololo ***!!!!!!!!!! IS THISE. i have never heard of thise does thise work? thise is like saying to put ur ps3 on the floor and it will turn into a psp

  18. cv says:

    o shyt you guys hear bout the new ham n chese slim, and the turkey clubGO. btw my tuna fish 3000 has an exploit in the fish if you eat two peices of fish you can redirect it to the half bacon lunch, its basically half a tuna sandwich running with half a BLT. it frees up 23grams of the 64grams of tarter sauce too, but like midnightexpress said the stores gunna have em patch with mayo and ketchup on newer models XD. oh is anyone getting “A Side Of Fries 2” for the ham & chese sandwich alpha? lol

  19. Does it matter what brand it is?
    I live next to Port of Subs but I heard there in kahoots with Sony.
    Then there is Subway But too many police.
    What about Java City Inside Raley’s;no wait, I think thats just here in Tahoe.
    Seven Eleven is just plain NASTY!!(eww)
    Any Help Would Be….uhh….Helpfull

  20. npissoawsome says:

    lolz, major LSD trip right there ๐Ÿ˜›

  21. cv says:

    hey unless your gunna help talk about food exploits dnt mk fun of us XD

  22. midnightexpress says:

    Well looks like sony has made a world wide recall of ham and cheese sandwiches for a new line of turkey ham and cheese sandwiches nice going wololo, so much for this being the next big thing now I need too try that new clown corpse explote. If you put your ps3 of top of a clown corpse it boots in the kmode. But I ran out of amo for my shot gun when it tryed the “Hitler explote” for the psp. You need too travel back in time, kill Hitler and bam! Your psp is on CFW ger….

    So much for lunch…

  23. Dan says:

    Wow wololo ur really losing it!

    Dude you really need a vacation.

  24. Sony Corp. says:

    This is what u call a dying Wololo.

  25. cv says:


    the clown corpse dont work as good as the tickle me elmo exploit ive tried it n wow does it make a big difference btw if you toast the new turkey ham n chese you can use ololow’s melted chese exploit or if you have the time n equipment u can install the half sandwich loader, btw ololow’s sandwagich works great on it XD lol

  26. nickxab says:

    Lol now you must clean up the usb. :p

  27. pipam says:

    Oh non !!!
    Sony va interdire la vente des sandwichs Sodebo !!!!

    Bon .. bah on va essayer avec un Royal Cheese de chez Mcdo…. Yep !! ca fonctionne !!

    Sorry for my English…

    oh no !! Sony will now forbid “Sodebo” sandwiches !
    Ok let’s try with a Mc Donald’s Quarter POund Cheese…..
    Yess !! It works !!!

  28. Abra says:

    You need to have a VHS of futurama to make this work…

  29. wololo says:

    @Abra: nice catch ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s actually a full season on DVD. The DVD box looks like an old school VHS

  30. midnightexpress says:

    @abra its so hard too find a VHS any more. I only got a spongebob the movie one, has it been ported?

  31. JuNyA8971 says:

    You just made my day, Wololo! Gotta go to Family Mart and get my Ham & Cheese sandwich, lol Actually you made me hungry since I love Ham & Cheese sandwiches!!

  32. JC says:

    Props for not eating them.

  33. Nickolas says:

    can i eat the sandwich when i am finished with the process?<– hope i spelled it right lol

  34. KarloxLoKo says:

    good taste…..
    and after eat the ps3.
    jum jum ๐Ÿ˜‰

  35. TheCloser says:

    My dog really loved this hack dude!

    I heard the Pizzerias start to send pizzas with their own ported version included. It is a great deal.

    “If you buy two or more pizza, you get a ported version of PsGroove and USB cable included.! Attention PS3 compatible not included!”

  36. cv says:

    psgrove was just ported to a chili dog!!!!


    Now I have to wait about 24 hours and see if it can still be ported…

  38. My dog ate my sandwich!?

    Now I have to wait about 24 hours to see if it can still be ported.

    Poor ps3 ๐Ÿ™

  39. Crรฉdo says:

    I saw what you did there, lol.

  40. Okay so i almost got this figured out, i have my USB cable, Chease preflex preferd…. and now… im lifting up the peaice of HAM, NOTE: im useing PublixBrand over BoarsHead finroast; and so basicly you know im sure im implamateing this simple installation in the right way, but maby its the chese…


    also… if you got the chance… im director of the PMW NATION development department over at the fourms at pmwnation website and huh im doing some work with custom doom WADs on the PSP, also some work in the field of devising a hombrew format of doom in HEXON format, becuse to my knowleg theres no such thing, and i guesss…. i realy cant figure out hwo to properly sort hombrew FILES when im putting them some were in GAMEs file. its just… when people release this stuff… home brew apps or what not… there not to discriptive…. more discription in the installation prosess of hombrew content, we need to spread the word man…