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[RELEASE] RayCast3D Engine - 3D Game Engine for lpp-vita

HENkaku is a native Homebrew Enabler for the PS Vita and PS TV. It lets you run homebrews on the PS Vita
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[RELEASE] RayCast3D Engine - 3D Game Engine for lpp-vita

Post by Rinnegatamante »

RayCast3D is a 3D Game Engine for Nintendo 3DS / PSVITA which runs under Lua Player Plus.
It uses Ray-Casting algorithm ( to generate a 3D world starting from a 2D map allowing to create basic 3D games without any knowledge of how 3D rendering works.
On PSVITA it runs good with accuracy values >= 3.
In the download package you'll find also a little sample app.

At the moment these are the Features RayCast3D offers:

[*]Different tile size maps
[*]Automated camera and player position management
[*]Support for huge maps (pratically there aren't limitations)
[*]Support for sky rendering and floor rendering
[*]Automated minimap renderer with player position
[*]Textured walls support
[*]Wall Collisions check
[*]Shading support
[*]Bullet system (Ray casting with returning values)[/list]
What this engine needs to be finished is listed in this TODO List:

[*]Player collisions with walls
[*]Sprites support for animations
[*]Bullets physic
[*]Editable FOV
[*]Support to textures for walls, sky, floors[/list]

Video of a sample app


[*]Rinnegatamante: Author
[*]gnmmarechal: Video footage
[*]Special thanks to fpermadi for this really cool tutorial i used as base about RayCasting algorithm: ... -contents/[/list]

Repository: ... ree/master

Here you can download the first alpha version (v.0.1) with a sample tech demo and a short documentation for the available functions:
If you want, visit my website: :D
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:34 pm

Re: [RELEASE] RayCast3D Engine - 3D Game Engine for lpp-vita

Post by gambikules »

After collision with "I" wall i have error message "impossible draw image ..."
After 3 errors my ps vita reboot and now impossible to restart because "PS" button flashing.
Posts: 912
Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:02 am

Re: [RELEASE] RayCast3D Engine - 3D Game Engine for lpp-vita

Post by Rinnegatamante »

gambikules wrote:After collision with "I" wall i have error message "impossible draw image ..."
After 3 errors my ps vita reboot and now impossible to restart because "PS" button flashing.
impossible draw image is not an error returnable by lpp-vita: ... aphics.cpp

Also, if your PSVITA "rebooted", it means the PSVITA state is restored and it's basically impossible that it doesn't boot. (You can always shutdown it by holding the power button and then re-start it).
If you want, visit my website: :D
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:34 pm

Re: [RELEASE] RayCast3D Engine - 3D Game Engine for lpp-vita

Post by gambikules »

Impossible shutdown . Now i wait when battery runs out =) Yolo 10-15 days maybe

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