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gpu_free mesh data results in crash

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:43 pm
by MrSilverstone
Hi everyone,
I am making a text rendering system using freetype library.
I have generated a texture for each character, and now i'd like to draw each character of a string.
Here is my code for the string drawing :

Code: Select all

for (Component *c : _components)
      TextComponent *text = dynamic_cast<TextComponent*>(c);

      if (text == nullptr)
          debugNetPrintf(INFO, "Null text component...");
      auto & shader = _assetsManager.getShader("text");

       float x = text->getPosition().x;
       float y = text->getPosition().y;

        for (int i = 0; i < text->getText().length(); i++)
          char c = text->getText()[i];
          if (_characters.find(c) == _characters.end())
            continue ;

          Character & ch = _characters[c];

          float xpos = x + ch.Bearing.x;
          float ypos = y - (ch.Size.y - ch.Bearing.y);

          float w = ch.Size.x;
          float h = ch.Size.y;

          Mesh mesh;

          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos, ypos + h, 0.0f));
          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos,ypos, 0.0));
          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos + w, ypos, 0.0f));
          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos,     ypos + h, 0.0f));
          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos + w, ypos, 0.0f));
          mesh.addVertex(glm::vec3(xpos + w, ypos + h, 0.0f));

          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(0.f, 0.f));
          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(0.f, 1.f));
          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(1.f, 1.f));
          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(0.f, 0.f));
          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(1.f, 1.f));
          mesh.addTexCoord(glm::vec2(1.f, 0.f));

          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)


          shader.setUniformMat4(VERTEX, "projection", _graphics.gxmContext(), _projection);
          shader.setUniformVec3(FRAGMENT, "textColor", _graphics.gxmContext(), text->getColor());
          shader.setUniformTexture(_graphics.gxmContext(), ch.texture);



          x += ch.Advance;
however, my ps vita is crashing when I free the memory allocated for the mesh. (non freeing the memory works fine until memory is full :mrgreen: )

Here is the code for freeing the mesh :

Code: Select all

void Mesh::release()
and here is my gpu_free :

Code: Select all

void    gpu_free(SceUID uid)
  void  *mem = nullptr;
  if (sceKernelGetMemBlockBase(uid, &mem) != SCE_OK)
      debugNetPrintf(ERROR, "Error get mem block\n");

  if (sceGxmUnmapMemory(mem) != SCE_OK)
      debugNetPrintf(ERROR, "Error sceGxmUnmapMemory\n");
      return ;

  if (sceKernelFreeMemBlock(uid) != SCE_OK)
      debugNetPrintf(ERROR, "Error sceGxmUnmapMemory\n");
My vita is not crashing if I don't draw my mesh. Here is my draw code :

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void    Mesh::draw(SceGxmContext *context)
  if (_pVertices == nullptr)
      debugNetPrintf(ERROR, "null verticies...\n");
      return ;

  if (_pIndices == nullptr)
      debugNetPrintf(ERROR, "null indicies...\n");
      return ;

  sceGxmSetVertexStream(context, 0, _pVertices);
Am I doing something wrong ?

Thanks for your help!

PS: this is a quick test, and the code is not optimized at all (I will switch to a font atlas, and one mesh for a string instead of one mesh for a char)

Re: gpu_free mesh data results in crash

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:13 pm
by MrSilverstone
I tried to update my mesh data instead of creating a new mesh, and it looks like gxm "locks" the data until the scene is drawn :( All the characters are drawn at the same position.

Re: gpu_free mesh data results in crash

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:26 am
by MrSilverstone
I solved my problem by using the memory pool instead of re allocating memory each frames :)

Re: gpu_free mesh data results in crash

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:59 pm
by xerpi
You have to make sure the GPU is not using your resources when you free them, you can do that by calling sceGxmFInish().