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Mobile Skat 0.3[Updated, open source] play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:25 pm
by failbit
Sorry that I posted it in the wrong category first so here it should be right.
I just want to show you my work of the last months :D .
I created the card game "Skat" for the PSP. It is very popular in Germany and France.
Although it's a bit difficult to learn you should try it.
At the moment it's only a beta version, so don't worry if something doesn't work, tell me and i'll fix it as soon as I can.
Here is a link for those who don't know how to play Skat.




You can download it from here:
Version 0.1:[spoiler]

and here a signed one if you are on OFW(thanks to toBsucht but yours was a little big so I made a smaller one):[/spoiler]

Version 0.2:[spoiler]This one is for OFW and CFW (it was signed smaller than unsigned :D). the source code is also incuded![/spoiler]

Version 0.3:[spoiler][/spoiler]

- fixed a major bug in the calculating of the maximal bid value
- improved the AI
- Mobile Skat uses the oslib now
- you can play your own music from ms0:/MUSIC (up to 320 kbps)
- added multilanguage-support(at the moment only for languages with roman alphabet)
- fixed some little bugs

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:06 pm
by toBsucht
Nice, yeah skat isn´t easy to learn
it also works if it is signed.

signed for all ofw @ feel free to reupload it good luck
rules german Skatregeln
Das Kartenspiel Skat wird mit 32 Karten gespielt. Wenn Sie sich eine Skatkarte ansehen, dann werden Sie feststellen, daß auf den einzelnen Karten vier verschiedene Zeichen immer wiederkehren, die auf je acht Karten verteilt sind. Diese Gruppe zu je acht Karten nennt man Farbe. Die vier Gruppen bezeichnet man mit Kreuz, Pik, Herz und Karo. Sie werden in der gleichen Reihenfolge durch ein schwarzes Kleeblatt, eine schwarze Lanzenspitze, ein rotes Herz und ein rotes Viereck dargestellt. In der hier angeführten Reihenfolge stehen die Farben auch in ihrem Wert, und Sie sollten sich als erstes diese Reihenfolge merken.
Kreuz Pik Herz Karo

Jede dieser Farben hat acht Karten von verschiedenem Wert. Wenn Sie die acht Karten einer Farbe zur Hand nehmen, so bringen Sie sie in folgende Reihenfolge: Sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn, Bube, Dame, König und As. Die vier mit Zahlen bezeichneten Karten können Sie ohne weiteres an den aufgedruckten Zahlen und an den in gleicher Zahl vorhandenen Kartenzeichen erkennen. Die Sieben hat sieben Kartenzeichen, die Acht deren acht usw. Die vier anderen Karten, Bildkarten genannt, stellen außer dem As Personen dar: den Buben, die Dame und den König. Neben der figürlichen Darstellung sind sie an den aufgedruckten Buchstaben zu erkennen: B für Bube, D für Dame und K für König. Das As trägt in der Mitte der Karte ein einziges Farbzeichen und den Buchstaben, ein A, in den Kartenecken.

Jede dieser Karten hat einen bestimmten Augenwert, den Sie sich genau einprägen müssen, denn diese Werte begegnen Ihnen beim Skatspiel auf Schritt und Tritt. Die Karten Sieben, Acht und Neun bezeichnen wir als Leerkarten oder Luschen, sie haben keinen Zählwert. Die Zehn hat einen Wert von 10 Augen, wie die Skatspieler sagen.

Bis hierher ist die Sache einfach, nun aber müssen Sie lernen, daß der Bube 2 Augen zählt, die Dame 3, der König 4 und das As 11. Diese Zählwerte oder Augen sind für alle vier Farben die gleichen. Sie können jetzt schon selbst feststellen, daß die Augen aller 32 Karten die Summe 120 ergeben. Die folgende Tabelle soll das bisher Gesagte noch einmal deutlich machen:
Karte Zählwert
Sieben 0 Augen
Acht 0 Augen
Neun 0 Augen
Zehn 10 Augen
Bube 2 Augen
Dame 3 Augen
König 4 Augen
As 11 Augen

Da jede Karte viermal vertreten ist, beträgt der Augenwert aller Karten zusammen

30 Augen * 4 Farben = 120 Augen.

An dieser Stelle soll noch einmal wiederholt werden, was wir von der Skatkarte wissen: 32 Karten in vier Farben.

Rangfolge der Farben: Kreuz, Pik, Herz, Karo.

Jede Farbe hat acht Karten: Sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn, Bube, Dame, König, As.

Sieben, Acht, Neun sind ohne Zählwert. Zehn = 10 Augen, Bube = 2 Augen, Dame = 3 Augen, König = 4 Augen und As = 11 Augen.

Jede Farbe hat 30 Augen. Summe aller Augen = 120.
skat rules english
more @ ...
The card game Skat is played with 32 cards.If you look at a skat cards, you will find that the individual cards of four different characters constantly recur, spread over eight cards. This group of eight cards is called color. The four groups are referred to with clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds. They are shown in the same order by a black clover leaf, a black spear-head, a red heart and a red square.In the order listed here are also the colors in their value, and you should remember this as the first order.

Each of these colors has eight cards of different value. If you take the eight cards of one color on hand, so bring them in the following order: Seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace.The four designated with numbers map, you can readily appreciate the printed numbers and the number of available tickets in the same characters. The Seven has seven cards characters whose eight-eight, etc. The other four cards called, image maps, except the As represent people: the boy, the lady and the king. In addition to the figurative representation they can be identified by the printed letters: B for Jack, for Lady D and K for King. The ace in the middle of the map with a single color sign and the letter, A, into the card corners.

Each card has a certain eye value that you just have to remember them, as these may arise in the bridge game at every turn. The cards seven, eight and nine we call blank cards or Lusch, they do not count. The Ten has a value of 10 eyes, say the card player.

Thus far the matter is simple, but now you must learn that the boy has 2 eyes, the lady 3, 4, and the ace the king 11th These counts or eyes are the same for all four colors. You can now even find that results in the eyes of all 32 cards the sum 120th The table below is what has been said again make clear:
Map Count
Seven 0 points
Eight 0 points
Nine 0 points
Ten 10 points
Jack 2 points
Dame 3 points
King 4 points
As 11 points

As each card is represented four times, is composed of the eyes value of all cards

30 eyes * 4 colors = 120 points.

At this point it should again be repeated, what we know about the skat cards: 32 cards in four colors.

Ranking of colors: clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds.

Each color has eight cards: seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.

Seven, eight, nine have no point value. Ten = 10 points, Jack = 2 points, Queen = 3 eyes, King and Ace = 4 points = 11 points.

Each color has 30 eyes. Sum of all eyes = 120

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:01 pm
by toBsucht
ui which tool do you use to sign eboots? A link would be nice thanks!

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:51 pm
by failbit
It is called easy pbp prx and I found it here at this forum. So please search for it I don't want to upload something without the allowing of the developer.

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:41 am
by toBsucht
Hi failbit i failed a bit ...searching "your signing-tool" a link to the topic would be very nice and helpful. You don´t have to upload it!
Or pm if you don´t like to post the link in your topic. THX

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:57 am
by wololo
Looks like a nice game, although I must admit I'm a bit confused by the rules (yes, I managed to NEVER play trumps during my student life, I was the guy watching anime when everybody was playing cards...) but that's a good opportunity to start learning :)

Looking forward to some improvements in the UI, to make it easier to know what's going on (example: it could be possible to represent a "discard pile" where the cards go if you win, for newbies to understand who actually won a round...)

I love card games :mrgreen:

Entry accepted, welcome to the competition :)

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:45 am
by m0skit0
Very nice card game, but still learning the rules :cry:
failbit wrote:So please search for it I don't want to upload something without the allowing of the developer.
You can also link to where you found it. Also I highly doubt the developer doesn't want it uploaded somewhere else if he has made it public.

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:51 am
by toBsucht
;) m0skit0 thanks.. so i stop signing/uploading to big eboot till i got this cute tool :cry: :roll: or fail to use it :oops:

edit: sometimes www search make me toBsüchtig

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:43 am
by failbit
Thanks for accepting my homebrew and for the tips. I searched a bit on the www and I found a link to the tool I use to sign homebrews.
So here is the link to the topic. ... U-v1.0.0.2
here is also an english version: ... -ofws.html

Re: Mobile Skat 0.1 play Skat on your PSP

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:32 pm
by toBsucht
Thank you very much!

edit: for me it ´s one of the best thing for today :shock: a lot of hb´s to shrink :geek: