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Need Help. New to Henkaku

HENkaku is a native Homebrew Enabler for the PS Vita and PS TV. It lets you run homebrews on the PS Vita
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:22 pm

Need Help. New to Henkaku

Post by SirTeemo »

SO I bought a PSVits 3.60 that had everything on it. RIght as I figure out how to put GBC/GBA games on it. the 2D2 Vita Adapter wiped out the Micro SD Card clean and stopped working. I had to buy a new 2D2 Vita Adapter and the Micro SD Card is still fine. itll be here thursday. It seems Henkaku is still on the the PsVita so my next step is to install Enso. then after that figure out how to get mGBA and how to put PSP and PSX games on it. If anybody can supply some help. I would be grateful.

What I would also like to do is be able to still play Final Fantasy X/ X2 aswell.

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