HENkaku-webserver released: Host HENkaku locally, launch without internet access


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42 Responses

  1. garrei says:


  2. gaaara says:

    coool i go to install this on my android phone !!!! ty 🙂

    • Jens says:

      HENkaku-webserver is a windows-only thing for now as it relies on the ASP.Net Framework. HENkaku-webserver requires Windows, IIS server + asp.net 4.0, and Fiddler 4.

    • PSP4Life says:

      Its windows only ….

      • MBA says:

        From what I’m seeing, this is just a webserver, not really sure why so many steps, since one of them is to get the HTML + Payload. Just insert it into any local webserver like xampp for windows, or others that are obviously available on Android and maybe even iOS, and run

    • Jim says:

      learn to read next time.

    • rdtufxy says:

      have you ever even used computer

  3. DuderificDudemeister says:

    Dude, seriously, just dude…what else is there to say?

  4. z80 says:

    as x binary is often updated(not only offsets) is this app little uselles for now i think 🙂

  5. Asurey Xcelsium says:

    Man, seeing all these programs being released so fast makes me hyped.
    There is hope for Vita CFW <3
    Keep it up!

  6. lawthugg says:

    A video tutorial would be nice

  7. edmike says:

    can you please make a step by step tutorial about this is so difficult for me please thankyou very much

    • meysam25 says:

      install iis on your windows
      repire .net 4
      copy install file in to your iis the folder name shuld be something like wwwroot
      i dont thing fiddler will be needed but for any reason if you need fiddler , it is papular program and there is so many tuoterial for that
      you should enter your computer ip and port in the proxy section in the vita and you shuld redirect the the request for website orginal website with request of your local website
      soory about my bad english

  8. Franky says:

    Do I download iisexpress amd64? I’m confused.

  9. Vegito says:

    This is too complicated… need a video tutorial for this.

  10. Giskard says:

    Hi guys!
    Right now im on 3.16 if im not wrong. Im there because I use TNV, can I manually update later to 3.6 if theres a kernel exploit? Im asking this if sony patches this and theres a new 3.61

    • Lawthugg says:

      should be able to use the manual update with server spoof

    • Seth says:

      If you’re asking if you can download it and save it to your pc to do offline later then yes you can do that. If you have a vita with tnv that would be a smart thing to do since tnv isn’t compatible after fw 3.52 iirc.

  11. emulation says:

    well I got IIS on Windows 10… but I have not idea how to put the 2 apps there. someone can help us?

  12. demmianx says:

    not work with xammp?

  13. SeanP2500 says:

    ok sean likes this idea. I had originally worried what if this mysterious site goes down and this is the answer very cool. Ok so that leaves it up to psp demos. That’s going to be the big deal here I imagine and if you can actually run Henkaku locally well then who cares right? Since a replacement for VHBL is inbound?

  14. Biff627 says:

    To be honest, I just put my ps vita in sleep mode 😐 Airplane mode and when it boots up its already exploited xD

  15. Rikku says:

    Just goto go.henkaku.com spoof your pc browser, grab the payload.js and some javascript file, save as html
    put your file in local webserver XAMPP in vita just access the the local webserver and VIOLA nothing special
    if we can load html file trought vita WITHOUT PC that is SPECIAL!

    • meetpatty says:

      It is a little more involved than that, a unique payload needs to be generated each time the exploit is run.

  16. damian ibarra says:

    why doesnt this site allow me to access the forums anymore?also why is it that the admin cant make a faq for owners of vita with tn-v,like what we should do, what if we dont update now and later update to 3.60 once 3.61 is released,wont it be impossible to install henkaku by then since vita wont alllow internet on old fw?

  17. DronicX says:

    I did everything right however, the browser keeps crashing after I press OK when it show the alert that says “Welcome to HENkaku!” Also, sometimes the page restarts before showing the alert.

  18. lnioipa; says:

    Ok the Site is down

  19. NakedFaerie says:

    Where do I get the payload from?
    The instructions dont say anything about downloading the payload.

  1. August 2, 2016

    […] HENkaku-webserver released: Host HENkaku locally, launch without internet access […]

  2. August 3, 2016

    […] Para começar, yifanlu um dos grandes por trás do HENkaku celebra os mais de 30k PSvita que usam o HENkaku nestes últimos dias lançando uma atualização para o seu paylod que adiciona a função Dynarec que resumindo é uma função do Sistema Operacional que permite que programas recompilem alguns códigos do tempo de execução, resumindo ainda mais a longa história, é super útil para emuladores permitindo suporte nativo a certas funcionalidades e conversão de código entre plataformas em tempo real, melhorando muito a velocidade da emulação. Mas para usufruir dessa funcionalidade, os desenvolvedores dos emuladores de plataforma, deverão implementar o código Dynarec em seus futuros programas de emulação. Então podemos esperar uma grande evolução nos emuladores dentro de alguns dias ou semanas. Além disso parece haver uma outra surpresa nessa atualização que suponham ser o acesso kernel full fledged da cpu para overclock ou coisa do tipo. Para atualizar o HENkaku, basta desligar completamente o PSVita mantendo o botão power pressionado até que ele se desligue sem que você toque no botão vermelho de desligar, em seguida execute o botão ¨Install¨ do próprio MolecularShell ou acessando o site. (Foi criado também um meio de carregar o HENkaku em seu próprio servidor, para maiores informações clique aqui! […]

  3. August 3, 2016

    […] the urgent need to be able to host HENkaku in a decentralized way, or on one’s localhost. HENkaku-webserver is one solution that allows users to do that, but currently only runs on […]

  4. August 4, 2016

    […] talked recently about HENkaku-webserver, developer Meetpatty‘s initiative to create a locally-hosted version of HENkaku. Locally […]