3DS: SmileHax released for app SmileBASIC (US and JP)


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9 Responses

  1. xxx6643 says:


  2. Rolenzo says:

    This is great. Still though, if you have a 3ds and aren’t using A9LH custom firmware, you’re really missing out.

  3. Thomas Wade says:

    I really wish this entrypoint was available to me.

    • Seth says:

      Just wait like a month dude the way things have been lately that’s about all the time you’ll need for a new one. Keep it up guys. 🙂

      • Thomas Wade says:

        I’ve been waiting forever for SmileBASIC anywaay, because I really want it.

  4. HaiKaiDo says:

    So wait, they still havent put the app back on the eshop? I see the 3.3.1 update but the actual game still isnt available :\

    You should mention that in the article.

  1. July 28, 2016

    […] Other exploits for firmware 11.0 had been made available recently, but required some specific 3DS games in order to be activated. This makes exploits such as menuhax or browserhax much more convenient. […]