FW 2.60s Exploit games are back at the PSN!

The Zett

I am usually located at the end of the Alphabet.

34 Responses

  1. tangra_87 says:

    I just can`t wait your K exployt Z , so I can play my Kingdom Hearts BBS 🙂 Hope it would not be too much expensive .
    By the way nice job , and thanks for the info 🙂

    • fate6 says:

      That belongs to TN not The Z

    • The Z says:

      Not my kxploit. It is total_noobs.

    • Obito says:

      Wanting to play BBS too xD.

    • Maning says:

      You can play BBS to your pc using ppsspp im playing it too.. you dont have to wait for the kernel xploit

      i recommend you to visit the site: ppsspp.org

    • howieumd says:

      Are you saying TN has an unreleased Kernel Exploit or are you talking about an existing one? I’m on 2.02 Uno. I’m sure that once PS4 is released, there’ll be a new Vita OFW released by Sony to allow proper syncing between the units for remote play. Is this exploit (if you’re saying there’s a new Kernel one out there) being held until then? That’s the biggest thing I’m concerned about with my Vita, whether to keep my 2.02 Kernel exploit or upgrade to higher OFW at that time to allow syncing to PS4 if there’s a required OFW needed to do so once it’s released.

      • Dmaskell92 says:

        He/She means a PSP emulator running on PC.

      • Dmaskell92 says:

        Oh I read that a bit wrong, my apologies. TN says he will release a new Kernel when PS4 releases. So yes he basically has a unreleased Kernel. I didn’t see any POC or anything to prove his claims, but this is TN we are talking about.

  2. Jonny says:

    Hi, i buy the arcade darts, but i update my psvita to fw 2.61, now i see the arcade darts in psn, but when i try to download it i see “cannot download using a PS Vita system”.
    Why?. Thank you.

  3. TheMole says:

    Just wondering could you download to a 2.61 system, then backup using OpenCMA, then restore onto ANOTHER Vita that’s at a lower Firmware version?

    • omar rana says:

      yes it should work if both vita s are activated with the same account.

    • The Z says:

      Yes. If you have a second vita, that is activated with the same account, as the 2.61, then its possible to download the exploit titles with the 2.61 vita, back it up via CMA and transfer it to the non-2.61 Vita.

      • whackm says:

        Do you really need OpenCMA? If you had two vitas one at 2.61 and one lower, could you just plug the memory card into the 2.61, download, and then pop the card back into the Vita at a lower version?

        Assuming both are activated on the same account?

        • RP says:

          No. Vita storage cards track firmware versions. A card formatted for 2.02 won’t work on 2.61 without an “update”, and once updated for 2.61 it can’t be used on an earlier firmware without reformatting it. Specifically to prevent you from doing what you describe.

  4. GuitaristMatt says:

    What? Did the Z just write a blog article? I don’t think I have seen that in a while.

  5. owanef says:

    Sony gonna banned vitas now :0 ?????

  6. phil87700 says:

    Good news but still waitng for TN-V for GOLOR – VHBL 😉

  7. Hellbelial says:

    I have Arcade Darts so is now working? i dont understand.

  8. veelk says:

    If Sony would only make something that allowed us to play UMDs on our Vitas, they wouldn’t need to deal with exploitable games.

  9. Lucas says:

    The Z. Your article is very poorly written. Many grammatical errors. Interesting topic, yet the sentences made me cringe.

    • Dmaskell92 says:

      If i’m not mistaken, English isn’t his Native language. That’s kind of a hit below the belt. I think he did fine.

  10. brunoso says:

    Great, now we just need a way to downgrade ours consoles!!!

  11. Stef says:

    bonjour et merci moi j’ai un souci j’ai telecharger le jeu arcade darts sur le store de ma ps3 parce que sur ma ps vita je ne peux puisque quand je veux aller sur le store il me dit que j’ai une mise a jour a faire.
    Donc je voulais savoir comment transferer le jeu arcade darts de ma ps3 à ma ps vita car je n’y arrive pas sa me met mise a jour disponible quand je branche ma vita sur la ps3 même quand je désactive le wifi c’est la même chose

  12. magus says:

    so im on 2.12 and have been waiting for gamocracy to come back on checked it today its there but not up for purchase is this only me or is it other people as well?

  13. Wolf says:

    I downloaded the air hockey game but when I use the open cma trick to copy from ps3 to psvita it wont appear in my download list. Can somebody help me?

  14. Stef says:

    j’ai essayer la methode ps3+ methode cma sa marche toujours pas de solution à mon probléme

  15. ResleyZ says:

    My Vita is on 2.60, does that mean if I download one of those arcade games, I could still use the exploit, or did they patch the games?

  16. Stef says:

    j’ai réussi à mettre l’exploit sur ma vita je l’ai installer mais comment mettre et installer des emulateurs et homebrow svp parce que quand je branche ma vita sur mon pc il me dit toujours que j’ai une mise à jour sur ma vita et donc je ne peux pas faire de transfert entre mon pc et à ma vita

  17. stef says:

    est-ce que quelqu’un serait comment on fait pour installer les emulateur sur ps vita 2.60 ainsi que les roms parce que exemple j’ai 2 jeux sur l’emulateur emu master et quand je cherche mes jeux je les vois nul part il y en a que un qui se lance